3030 Lincoln Ave #121, Coquitlam

Dental Hygiene/Cleaning

Dental Hygiene Cleaning Dentists Port Coquitlam

ORAL HYGIENE- is the single most important step towards a healthy mouth. Canadian Dental Association says that 48% of Canadians who have not seen the dentist in the past year have gum disease. The gum disease if not treated early, will progress to periodontal disease. Professional teeth cleaning is provided at Lincoln Dental Association to give you a healthy smile.

Oral Hygiene has two main components:

  1. Teeth Cleaning at home.
  2. Teeth Cleaning at the Dentist.

At LINCOLN DENTAL CENTER, we work towards providing you professional teeth cleaning and help you learn more about home oral hygiene practices. We have a team of experienced Registered Dental Hygienists at Lincoln Dental Center to provide professional teeth cleaning services.

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What to expect at a dental cleaning appointment?

  1. Dentist will examine your teeth and order certain x-rays. The Dentist will check each tooth and all oral tissues including your gums, cheek, palate, all tongue surface and palpate around your face and neck.
  2. Registered dental hygienist will clean food, plaque, stains and tartar deposits from your teeth. The clinical name for this process is scaling and root planning.
  3. Health of your gums will be evaluated to determine when you should come back for next teeth cleaning.
  4. After cleaning is completed, the treatment plan will be discussed. Oral Hygiene Instructions for home care will be provided.
  5. Polishing of teeth will be completed.
  6. Flossing between all teeth will be completed.
  7. Fluoride will be applied on your teeth.
  8. This whole process will usually take about 30 minutes for young children and 60-90 minutes for adults.
  9. Before you leave, front-desk will schedule your next appointment.

What is the right age to start tooth brushing?

As soon as first tooth erupts in the child’s mouth. Child does not need any tooth paste. Moisten a tooth brush under warm water to make bristles soft and brush his or her teeth.

Does teeth cleaning cause any pain?

No, teeth cleaning is a painless procedure. If any tooth is sensitive or deep cleaning is needed; the dental hygienist will offer to numb that area so that you are comfortable and do not feel pain.

How often do I need teeth cleaning?

  1. This depends on your Personal Oral hygiene practices, current oral health, gum status, whether you have braces, etc.
  2. Depending on above factors, your dentist will determine whether the interval between next hygiene visit should be 3, 4 or 6 months.

Which tooth brush is best?

  1. Canadian Dental association recommend soft tooth brush with rounded bristles.
  2. A tooth brush should be replaced every 3 months or early if bristles lose their form.
  3. Children has very small mouth and as they grow, you may have to replace their tooth brush more often.
  4. After any oral infection or respiratory infection, it is advised to change your tooth brush.
  5. People with limited dexterity may find powered tooth brushes to be more effective.

Advantages of regular teeth cleaning and dental appointments:

  1. It prevents gum disease.
  2. Cavities, gum disease, condition of existing fillings and crowns can be determined.
  3. Any disease could be found at an early stage and treated early.
  4. It gives an opportunity for you to get a feedback about how good your personal oral hygiene practices are.


Insurance & Direct Billing

We welcome all insurance plans and handle direct billing to insurance companies. Our clients are not required to make upfront payments for services covered by their insurance. We validate their eligibility and directly submit claims to insurance providers.

Healthy Kids Program

We offer services through the Healthy Kids program, which offers essential dental care for children from low-income families. Pacific Blue Cross is the dental insurance provider for this program..

Accepting Debit/Credit Cards

To make things easier for our clients, we accept Debit Cards, Credit Cards, American Express, and Cash as payment options.

Need Urgent Dental Care? We offer Dental Emergency Services.. LEARN MORE
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Lincoln Dental Center

Experienced dentists committed to provide compassionate and excellent quality dental care. Serving Tri-Cities, Coquitlam , Port Coquitlam, and Port Moody $$$

3030 Lincoln Ave #121,
Coquitlam , V3B 6B4 , Canada
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